A Grand Tour into video games.
We launched Amazon’s first gaming title, and an entirely new way to game.
The Grand Tour Game is a simulation racing game based on The Grand Tour, the Amazon Prime reboot of the beloved BBC classic, Top Gear. It was the first game to be released in episodes alongside its titular show. We created a bunch of content for the launch and sustain, and we were proud to hear that the celebrity hosts, Jeremy, James, and Richard, complemented our mastery of their very British humour.
We created some cheeky animated key art for use across all POP.
We also made a very meta web series where the hosts played as themselves, recreating iconic episodes from seasons past. One fan favorite was Richard Hammond replaying the dark and intense moment from 2017 when he ran a Rimac Concept One off the side of a hill and and escaped just as the car burst into flames.
The hosts competed against friend of the show and popular British motorsports driver Abbie Eaton.
And what’s a gaming content series without a trash-talk compilation?
Even the game feature promos were written to mimic the self-aware, silly humour of the show (and those scripts received continued approval from the hosts for nailing their TV personalities…another proud moment for a bunch of ad writers!)